We all one want to do it sometime in are life, Travel to a distance land with exotic foods and places. I plan to research and find out the best places to travel in Europe, Asia and South America. First trimester we will cover Europe. Some Facts that i found about Europe that i found Interesting. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. The tallest Ferris wheel in the world is found in England. (These facts were found at http://www.infobarrel.com/20_Interesting_or_Fun_Facts_about_Europe) The first country we will start with is Italy.
Italy is the place where the renaissance began, this is because the Italians where surround by old world culture and did not get hit by the plague as hard as the rest of Europe. Italy was originally divided into city states. The big ones where, Venice, Papal States, Florence, Milan, Sicily. These will be the places we look at Florence, Venice, Rome (Papal states), Milan, and Sicily.