Sunday, September 9, 2012


Well another weekend another wedding. This time I wasn't allowed to be at the wedding, no I watched from a far in the hotel room with a baby in hand.  Last weekend I was at another wedding which also was celebrating the gift of binding two different people and becoming husband and wife.
 A wedding is a funny thing; more often it involves a church, a bride, and a groom. Sometimes it’s a little different like it may be a red dress than a white but weddings are deeply rooted in tradition. Some of these have become little more that tradition others are still as important as when the couple says "I do".  One tradition that has lost is meaning is that while the all groom has to promise to be faithful, the bride must promise to take care of the home and be faith full. In today’s society that could be virtually impossible for the wife who is the one working while the husband stays at home.  Does this mean all the man has to do is sit at home and be faith full? I think not they have just switched roles for the time.
Now in America most weddings have white wedding dress, why is that?  Wearing a white wedding dress isn’t that old I found, only like 200 years old. It is mostly today thought of as a way to show purity, but in the early 20th century it was more to show wealth. Red wedding dresses are more found in china because they are a sign of good luck and wealth. (information found at
Weddings are also full of odd little things like why we have bridesmaids. People think it is an honor to be in a wedding party but you’re a bridesmaid you were originally picked to protect the bride from evil spirits.  Another thing to protect brides from evil spirits was the veil. (
Weddings are one of the few things that most of the population no matter what religion, you will attended. This is because more often or not the wedding is for someone you know. If we were to treat everyone like we treat people at a wedding would we solve world problems like war? I don’t think so mostly because we are human and forget easy that feeling we get when we see two people say “I do”. 

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