Sunday, December 16, 2012

review of pottermore

A review over pottermore
This is a website that is made by J.K Rowling for Harry Potter Fans. I found myself having problems with signing up on my nook so I tried it on the computer. It still had some issues with giving me a username I liked but other than that it was a pretty easy sign up.
When you start their goes on a lot of info thrown at you about the web site but once you get into reading the material that is given to you from the web site it is eye opening.  Pottermore gives you insight from Rowling on subjects that you wouldn’t expect. Like how the Dursleys house was her second home as a child. 
One thing about the site is you go in book order. So you don’t get to read about random content. You have to get through the books. I having read all of them find it interesting to read about how Aunt Petunia fell in love with her husband but some might not. 
One thing that has been happening is that I have been showed by the web site to collect stuff.  These thing I don’t know what I’m doing with yet but I hope to find out. One of the cooler things about this site is that it was made by .K Rowling. Like how as she was writing the book she came up with subplots for other characters.
What I have found that  the site follows the books to a T even better than the movies, when you get to the end of the book and have to do the challenges  to get to the philosophers  stone, is one not includes in the movie it’s the potions, logic one from the book. The riddle is the exact one from the book so to pass it I just need to look at how Hermione solved it in the book and it was right!
This whole idea of going into the book is great. It is exciting and adds a whole new level to the books. The content that is in the site that isn’t in the books in new and great, I just love this site and if you are a fan of harry potter you will to.

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