The problem with gym in schools.
I have
never really enjoyed gym after getting out of elementary school. As a child I
swam every day, at school I didn’t need that extra few minutes of time
spent running around playing games, but I enjoyed it because it add some
activity to another otherwise day of nothing but sitting in a classroom
learning stuff.
would follow on the subject of gym is that in middle school it would have the
fun juiced out of it by the requirements of doing sports. The teacher at the
school I attended made it a little less fun in that she would make you wear
step counters to make sure you took a certain amount of steps just to get an A
for that day. It is one of those ways that gym teachers are trying to make
students grading easier and measurable.
But can
you really measure your activity? I find that with calorie counters you can
understand what is better for you to do and eat, while gym has just add to a
day a little bit of frustration on being made to work out at a time in the day
that wasn’t what I need or liked. Even if you did a sport during a time in
middle school it didn’t get you a free hour. You just did it for fun which was
fine by me; because the time spent practicing for that sport was with friends
and enjoying just being a team.
in gyms of schools you found that you weren’t on a team just a bunch of
classmate’s forced to do sports; while your love for being on a team and
getting active was being juiced right out of you for the reason of a test on a
game that you should just play to enjoy; not for a grade.
Now in high school
you find that sports are the way to go with teammates and fun that has been
lost from gym. The problem with that is its only one sport that can get you so
far and you just train for one thing, gym classes can do a variety of sports
that with sports teams you only get one.
I haven’t taken a really gym class scene I
have arrived at high school, the only gym I have ever done was with the
swimmers before school, and that was just dry land workouts that we got credit
for being there. What I hope in the future is that someday the gym teacher will
start putting fun back into gym by making it fun; not just another class that a
student has to pass to graduate.
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