Sunday, October 28, 2012


Stress level is high at school and it is. We spend all our time studying for class and stress relief is hard to find. Think of it this way. If you are a student athlete you have to get up go to school then practice, then at least eat something then do homework. You have to shift gears a lot.

Now students aren’t the only ones who are stressed.  In a slate article the author Taylor Clark tells us that “the united states is the most anxieties nation”.  Here in the U.S. A, we are just a bunch of worry warts.   
Stress is affecting everyone. Children at school have pressure from their teachers at home their parents. Adults have bosses and children to stress them out.
To change this trend of a stressed out America, we may need to take a look at finding ways to calm down. Stress can do bad things to the body when not used right.
Stress was originally used to protect us from dyeing at the hand of disease and other protectors. Now today stress makes us gain weight and not sleep well.
We need to relax. To do this a healthy diet, lots of sleep and excises can help. Also some time to relax and do nothing  can unwind this tight nation. 

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