Sunday, October 7, 2012

A mans best friend

Almost everyone loves dogs, myself included. They are our best friend, are companions and the best listeners in the world. But what is it that makes dogs so special?

Dogs were the first animals that we domesticated; we have used them as protection and hunting partners.  They have profound way on how we think; a dog can teach you responsibility and good health choice by walking it.   A dog functions in a social unit similar to how we do, they “are emotionally bonded and greet each other enthusiastically after they have been separated” which we do every day when we greet people at school.  A dog can live perfectly happy in a human environment.  

We see are dogs as one of us, “40% of owners identify their dog as a family member” this is very true I count my dogs as part of my family. When people ask me how many are in your family, I more often reply “3 people and 3 dogs.” They are part of our family in a way that makes them special, dogs greet us when we get, and they will cuddle with us on cold nights when we are alone.
But along the way have we been domesticated by dogs as much we domesticated them? That is what the final idea was in the article I read. It gave some good points like how the dogs thinking part of the brain has shrunk scene it’s started out as a wolf.  Are brains have shrunk to, but not as much. So do we believe it is the entire thing is because of our dog or have the advancements in technology slowed down are brain growth and we don’t need as high senses as we us to so those parts of our brain have shrunk in size.
Whatever it is all I do know is that a dog is a man’s best friend.

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