Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dozens of Puppies Rescued in Animal Cruelty Investigation | Video - ABC News

Dozens of Puppies Rescued in Animal Cruelty Investigation | Video - ABC News

Animal cruelty is a real thing; it is the torture of living animals that causes them pain and even death. It takes place all over the world even here in the U.S.A.  Dogs are more often the victim of animal cruelty about “64.5% of 1,880 animal cruelty cases were against dogs” but  about “25%”  involve other animals.

Puppy mills are an example of the one of the most despicable things on the planet.   According to a website I found “99% of all puppies sold in a pet store are from a puppy mill”. These dogs are never petted and they spend their life in a cage. It is a depressing thing that we need to stop. To help with this a say that if you’re going to get a dog as a pet you need to research were you are getting it from or just go to the shelter and adopt a good friend from there.

this is one of the most sad post I have posted for my blog so far. But you have to look at the truth some times, and its just depressing. To change it we need to become active in our community shelter and help stop animal cruelty by reporting it to the police. I included the link to the locale animal shelter because change starts in our community.  

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