Sunday, October 14, 2012



The idea of a perfect future and how it is disrupted by those, who are different and are human don't belong. In the movie "Serenity" we see how the governments use on sole to try and hunt down one who has found out about a test to try and create a perfect society.

"This whole world is dead for no reason" a line said by Jane in the movie after they have arrived on Miranda, a planet in the outer part the universe that this movie takes place in. Miranda is a symbol of humans trying to play god, the government tried an experiment with a kind of gas to try and take out aggression in people. it worked in a way they lost the will to live, so let themselves die, but because not people react the same way to one drug a small percent of people reacted the opposite creating something that in the TV show that was made before this movie were a big thing to avoid for they rape, torture and kill their victims.

"You have always taken care of me Simon, now it’s my turn to take care of you” this is said by River who was sent to a academy that tore apart her brain and turned her into a living weapon. It is again showing how the alliance, the government controlling the people is trying to play god. She is half insane with the fact that she can read everyone mind and can’t control what she hears.

When she says this she also takes into account all that Simon has given up to save her. They are very much the perfect brother and sister in that family idea, which is also included in how Malcolm looks at his crew, like his family. They are his family he would never leave one of them behind.

The name of the movie and ship is also that idea of family. You can find Serenity with your family, or when you feel truly safe, Which what this ship is to those who live on it. Serenity.

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