Sunday, January 13, 2013

love to read?

To read a book and understand it that is a challenge. Is what we are doing in the classroom helping me understand what I just read? With the level of how people learn and value thinking and reading; our future classrooms may lose the one thing that I was taught; How to think.

I was raised in a house with a teacher, she had quit her job to stay home with me but that didn’t mean she stopped teaching, I was just her only pupil. We went places to the park and to the pool. She taught me how to walk and talk. At night she read me books; starting the love of reading that would come in go through the rest of my life up to this point.

Schools today have reading lists; you have to read from them and then not just understand them but also be willing to work on projects with classmates. This can take the joy out of reading. Deadlines; pressure on tests take out that joy of just reading a good book. Can we improve that in any way?

I hope so. To have your love of reading taken away just for the reason that your teacher wants you to read a book would be; Sad. the best thing about reading is that it can take you to new world that are better here than anywhere else. Books bring joy to a child’s life; in a way that nothing else can. They add imagination to a child’s life; toys become better just by reading to add creativity.

Are children of the day losing the joy to read? I think I am little sometimes. The books that I have to speed read; I comprehend stuff less and what really happens is that I just can’t learn stuff. My textbook reading is sometimes even better than the books I have to read for other classes.

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