Sunday, January 6, 2013

Survival of the fitness

            I have been reading a lot from my book the great influenza and I must say that being sick is your number one killer. Colds kill. You know what I mean they make you feel gross and slow, add a fogginess to your thoughts. Also you get a gross runny nose.  All these things add up to one thing, an immune reaction to germs in your body. These reactions cause discomfort but it means your body is waging war on its attackers who don’t really think as much as just want to reproduce.
             What I have found as I’m reading is that your body is a great thing. It tries to help you from dying by fighting a disease that may kill you. When we didn’t have very good medicine, one of the more common ways to die was infection and sickness. Another way that lots of people died of a sudden disease is that we weren’t prepared in wyas that lead to speading of this great disease.
            With all the antibiotics and other treatments doctors are giving out, infections are becoming harder to fight. They are drug resident and that makes it hard for doctors to treat it. So do we go back to survival of the fitness, or do we look to new ways of treatment?
I think a little bit of both. We should reduce the use of medical treatment so that bacteria don’t need to mutate as fast to survive, but we also invest in medical studies to look for new forms of treatment. These treatments would have to be a new way of working with our body instead of just using drugs.
Then   maybe we could help people with in curable disease by just boosting their immune system so they can fight it themselves. This may be a wild dream by a crazy junior in high school; it is my hope that we can look outside the box to find the best way to survive and flourish in our environment. 

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